Assignment: Vulnerable Populations Presentation

Assignment: Vulnerable Populations Presentation

Assignment: Vulnerable Populations Presentation

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Hey Robert this is a class that almost everything is a team work, we have this presentation, and for Judith and me they gave a part, I will upload the team distribution, but the only part need it is the one that said Judith and Dayana and will be on 4-5 ppt slides

The population is Human Trafficking -NURS 340: Vulnerable Populations Presentation

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NURS 340: Vulnerable Populations Presentation

Criteria Exceeds or Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
76 – 100 % Guadalupe (up to 4 slides)
A. Clearly states population chosen
B. Describes the vulnerable population
C. States the current population demographics
D. Discusses background of the problem, and its effect on public health
E. Discussion includes information about the population in the United States generally, and the state specifically. Maybe would be easy to do one slide just for Part E, as in this part we are doing U.S vs Florida rate. NURS 340: Vulnerable Populations Presentation
F. Reference material is current, properly used and cited. Cite images; all references w/n 5 yrs 0 – 75 %
Cultural, Psychosocial and Socioeconomic Concerns
76 – 100 % Dayana and Judith (up to 4 slides)
A. Discusses the cultural background of the selected population and any relevant history pertaining to the population.
B. Discusses the psychosocial concerns and/or norms of the population.
C. Discusses the economic concerns of the population including, but not limited to, income levels, educational levels and occupation.
D. Reference material is current, properly used and cited. Cite images; all references w/n 5 yrs 0 – 75 %
Specific Health Concerns
76 – 100 % Maday and Alexandra (up to 4 slides)
A. Discusses specific health concerns of the population.
B. Information on specific risk factors for target population is presented concisely and accurately.
C. Information discussed is current, within the last 5 years.
D. Discusses prevention and control of health concerns and risk factors (primary, secondary and tertiary).
E. References are current, properly used and cited.
Cite images; all references w/n 5 yrs 0 – 75 %
Role of the Public Health Nurse
76 – 100 % Berlinda and Jasmine (up to 4 slides)
A. Discusses the role of the public health nurse in caring for vulnerable populations.
B. States the core functions of public health and applies it to the care of the specific population.
C. Three local agencies/facilities delivering services to the target population are identified and accessibility is described. Services rendered are fully described.
D. Additional resources needed in the community are identified. NURS 340: Vulnerable Populations Presentation
E. References are current, properly used and cited.
Cite images; all references w/n 5 yrs 0 – 75 %
76 – 100 %
A. Maintains eye contact and keeps the audience interested; presents information without reading
B. Keeps audience interested and/or allows opportunity for interaction
C. Keeps voice clear, audible and understandable.
D. Professional appearance E. Method of Delivery: Use of visual aids is appropriate 0 – 75 %
Organization and Development
76 – 100 %
A. The presentation is directed toward the appropriate audience, and the tone is appropriate to content and assignment.
B. The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
C. The conclusion is logical, and reviews major points.
D. Transitions between sections aid in maintaining the flow of thought.
E. The content is comprehensive and accurate. 0 – 75 %